Gossip Girl actor Chace Crawford is the newest cast member to join filmmaker Bruce Beresford's Peace, Love, & Misunderstanding. Set to film in New York's Hudson Valley, Crawford will share the screen with Academy Award winner Jane Fonda and Academy Award nominee Catherine Keener in the BCDF Pictures production.
Peace, Love, & Misunderstanding tells the story of Diane (Keener), an uptight New York City lawyer who is in desperate need of an escape after her husband asks for a divorce. Along with her two children, she takes refuge at her estranged hippie mother Grace's (Fonda) farmhouse, where she is exposed to a motley crew of free thinkers. What was meant to be a stress-free getaway quickly turns into a reminder of why Diane escaped her mother's hippie lifestyle in the first place, as the reunion forces her, her children, and Grace to find peace with each other and more importantly with themselves. Crawford will star as a war-protesting butcher who catches the eye of Diane's politically active and intellectual daughter.Videos