Tomorrow, Country music sweetheart Kellie Pickler opens up about life, loss and marriage. Pickler talks about her balance in marriage, energy, and healthy eating with a hectic schedule. Dr. Oz answers common sleep questions and tips and tricks on getting optimal sleep with your partner for Kellie Pickler and her husband, Kyle Jacobs.
On how music comforts her during difficult times, Pickler states: "It was always a sanctuary and a safe place. We all have those songs we run to celebrate the good times. We have those songs we run to when we need to mourn the sad times and have our own little pity party. And that's all right as long as you get over it. You know you have to move on. Pluck those weeds out, see what the issue is, get it out, clean out the garden, be done, move forward. Happiness really is a choice.
On life lessons she would tell her 19-year old self, Pickler says: "I would say one of the greatest life lessons I've learned the hard way is it's so important to be mindful of the company you keep. It is so hard to not become a product of your environment and all it takes is one weed to take over a whole garden. There are people, the good people that you love close and then there are some people you have to love from a distance. And that's all right, 'cause you love everybody, you know, but sometimes we don't like everybody. So be kind and be courteous of the company you keep, aware of the company you keep. I'm blessed. Count your blessings every day that we have air in our lungs and we are upright above ground, that's a blessing."