"The Daily Show's" John Oliver is pulling double duty this summer when he once again brings together some of his favorite stand-up comedians for the fourth season of "John Oliver's New York Stand-Up Show," premiering on COMEDY CENTRAL on Friday, July 26 at 11:00 p.m. ET/PT.
Filmed at Webster Hall in New York City and presented with limited commercial interruption, "John Oliver's New York Stand-Up Show" is a half-hour series featuring three comedians per episode and hosted by Oliver, who opens each episode with all-new material. In the premiere episode, featuring Nick Turner, Colin Jost, and Reggie Watts, we learn about the troubling existence of "Daily Show" slash fiction, exactly what a year's supply of donuts consists of, and Watts' stance on cultural differences, told in his signature song form.
Throughout the eight episode season, fans will be treated to sets from an exciting mix of up-and-comers and established names: James Adomian, W. Kamau Bell, Mark Forward, Travon Free, Ron Funches, Gary Gulman, Phil Hanley, Seth Herzog, Pete Holmes, Jessi Klein, Jamie Lee, Tom Lennon,Joe Mande, Morgan Murphy, Sara Schaefer, Rory Scovel, Dan Soder, Paul F. Tompkins, Brooke Van Poppelen, Ali Wong, and Joe Zimmerman.Videos