As first reported on, Comedy Central has greenlit a sketch comedy pilot which will be executive produced by comedian Chris Rock. The pilot, titled D-RAW, will star comedian Deshawn Raw who describes himself as, "just a new comedian trying to make it out the hood with the team. So we don't end up statistics."
According to the report, the project will include sketches featuring Deshawn and his "diverse group of friends" and will center on their own experiences living in Rancho Cucamonga. The pilot will feature rap battles and the cast's own take on popular culture.
Along with Rock, DeShawn Raw and his creative partner, JP Minot will also executive produce. Minot will also direct the pilot.
Rock recently made his Broadway stage debut in the play THE MOTHERF**KER WITH THE HAT. He will also executive produces FX's upcoming weekly late-night series Totally Biased with W. Kamau Bell.