Following Clay Aiken's disappointing run for Congress last year, Bill Maher had some harsh comments to share. However, Aiken has come back with his own comments.
Aiken initially said, "I didn't run with Bill Maher as a constituent, so I'm less concerned about his opinion than you might think I would be."
Maher had accused the former American Idol finalist of avoiding support of President Obama and even gay rights issues, despite Aiken's previously identifying himself as homosexual.
Additionally, Aiken said, "My position on same sex marriage, my position on gay issues, has been on the forefront since I came out. To imply that, as a gay man, I have to speak to gay issues only, or more than anything else, would be the same as implying that a Jewish candidate should only speak up for Jewish constituents, or that a black candidate should only speak up for black constituents."
Check out Maher's piece on Aiken from October below.
Source: Mediate
Image courtesy: HBO