Cinestaan Film Company's animated feature 'Bombay Rose', created, written and directed by Gitanjali Rao has won the Silver Hugo in the New Directors Competition at the prestigious Chicago International Film Festival. Close on the heels of bagging two awards- 'India Gold Silver Gateway Award' and the Manish Acharya Award for 'New Voices in Indian Cinema' at the 21st Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival With Star, this win was a cause for dual celebration.
Bombay Rose, the feature debut of India's leading animator Gitanjali Rao had it's US Premiere at the Chicago International Film Festival. Painted frame by frame, the story of a flower seller who has to make the choice between protecting her family or allowing herself to fall in love has touched a chord with critics and audiences globally.
Says Chairman of Cinestaan Film Company and Producer Bombay Rose, Rohit Khattar, 'I would like to congratulate Gitanjali for this incredible honour and for doing our country proud. We are truly delighted that our production Bombay Rose has received such global recognition.'
Director Gitanjali Rao said, "Thank you Chicago Film Festival! It has been such a wonderful 24 hours receiving our two MAMI awards yesterday and waking up to Chicago's Silver Hugo Award this morning. The team and I are so delighted that Bombay Rose spoke to the audiences in Chicago, makes all our hard work and sleepless nights worthwhile!"
Bombay Rose is the first Indian Animation film ever selected to open Venice Critic's Week. The film had its North American premiere in the Contemporary World Cinema section at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) and was then selected as part of Special Presentations to play at the BFI London Film Festival 2019. The Asian Premiere was at Busan International Film Festival 2019 followed by it's India premiere at 21st Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival With Star.
Produced by Anand Mahindra and Rohit Khattar for Cinestaan Film Company (who also recently executive produced the 3 Academy Award nominated 'Cold War'), Bombay Rose has been written, designed and directed by Gitanjali Rao. The film is in co-production with Film d'Ici and was delivered at Mumbai based PaperBoat Animation Studios where a team of over 100 animators painted a million frames to bring this film to life. Working creatively alongside Gitanjali was acclaimed sound designer P M Satheesh.