Beloved "Saturday Night Live" personality - and the longest serving "anchor" on the show's wildly popular "Weekend Update" - Seth Meyers takes over as host of NBC's "Late Night," home to A-list celebrity guests, memorable comedy and the best in musical talent.
As the Emmy-winning head writer for SNL, Seth has established a reputation for his sharp wit and perfectly timed comedy and has gained fame for his spot-on impersonations, unique characters and hilarious spoofing of topical news. Seth takes his departure from SNL to his new post at "Late Night" as Jimmy Fallon moves to "The Tonight Show."
Below, check out monologue highlights from last night's show:
Well, congrats to President Trump on creating the least popular bill since Cosby.
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said today that President Trump came to Washington "to get things done." That's why, five minutes into every meeting, he says "are we done?"
President Trump yesterday made his 13th trip to a golf course since taking office. Hey man, you're the President! My only job is making fun of you, and I don't even have time to play golf. You play golf like you're trying to complete a punch card. "One more and I get a free meatball sub."
Today was National Spanish Paella Day. Or as it's called under the Trump Administration, "clam rice."
New research has found that most cats prefer human interaction to food. Said their owners, "so would I."
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