"Celebrity Ghost Hunt" documents the work of world-renowned psychic Chip Coffey as he travels into the private lives of the famous, leading them on investigations into the mysterious and unexplained paranormal activity they're experiencing. "Celebrity Ghost Hunt" premieres Saturday, July 2 at 10PM ET/9PM CT/11PM PT on BIO.
The special follows celebrities Eric Roberts (The Dark Knight, The Expendables) and Christopher Atkins (The Blue Lagoon, Dallas) as they explore personal brushes with the paranormal. Renowned psychic medium Chip Coffey, and his teams of tech savvy paranormal investigators, visit Eric -- who claims to have seen the spirit of a woman in his kitchen -- and Chris, who believes a tragic death on his North Carolina gold mine could be causing paranormal activity and interfering with the their pursuit of striking it rich. With Chip's help, the celebrities go on a personal quest, determined to make contact and get answers.