reports that the cast of the long-running CBS drama series THE WALTONS will reunite in Los Angeles on Saturday, September 29. The Emmy-winning drama, set during the era of the Depression, ran on CBS from 1971-1981 and produced a host of reunion movies, including one airing as recently as 1997.
The reunion will include the entire surviving cast of the show, mother Michael Learned, father Ralph Waite, Richard Thomas (who played eldest child John-Boy), the show's six other children, series creator Earl Hamner, Jr. as well as a number of recurring guest stars. The event will take place at Los Angeles' historic Wilshire Ebell Theatre and will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the show. The event will features special tributes from celebrity guests and a discussion panel.
Michael Learned told TV Guide Magazine, "I think the show had a blessing. I know that sounds corny, but I believe some things are gifts from God. I think Earl Hamner's heart permeated into the show. We all loved each other and still do. We were very lucky. I can't think of anybody who isn't grateful for being part of it. We really were a loving family and I think that came through the screen."