Cameron/Baxter Films, LLC announces a new project and crowd-funding campaign to shed light on the historical facts of the events at Plymouth Plantation between 1620 and 1675, before, during and after "The First Thanksgiving," a period in American history shrouded in misconception and misinformation.
Cher, part Cherokee, jumped on the bandwagon with the Thanksgiving debunkers via Twitter on The Day before Thanksgiving when she tweeted to her nearly 2 million followers: "Stealing Land, from a ppl, Who believed, Owning LAND Was LIke Owning SKY! We gave them Blankets laced w/Smallpox @cher."This statement by the superstar went viral within days with hundreds of media outlets picking it up. Thousands upon thousands of likes, shares, retweets and conversations on Social media sites like Twitter and Facebook spread the news like wildfire. "Global Grind" (The World According to Hip-Pop) shows how a story mutates like a game of "Telephone" with their article, "Tell 'em! Cher Gives Her Followers a Thanksgiving History Lesson via Twitter" - "She continues, elaborating on the crimes against Native Americans and tactics early settlers used to make sure Native communities wouldn't survive."Videos