The Big Bang Theory delivered its largest live +7-day playback lifts in both viewers and adults 18-49 while How I Met Your Mother also had its all-time high viewer lift and matched its highest playback lift in adults 18-49, according to Nielsen L+7 ratings for week five of the 2013-2014 season.
Among viewers, The Big Bang Theory added +5.99m (+35%) to its live plus same day average, a series best lift that increased its audience to 22.98 million from 16.99m. Among adults 18-49, The Big Bang Theory jumped +2.7 ratings points (+52%) to 7.9 from 5.2. THE BIG BANG THEORY posted the week's largest adult 18-49 lift of any Primetime program and moved into first place for the week in the demo, passing "Sunday Night Football" (6.4). With live +7-day lift in week five, CBS had the top four programs in viewers with THE BIG BANG THEORY, NCIS (22.70m), NCIS: Los Angeles (17.52m) and Person of Interest (17.33m). HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER also posted record live +7-day lifts, added +2.45 million viewers (+32%) increasing its live plus same day audience to 10.10 million viewers from 7.65m and matched its best adult 18-49 lift, adding +1.4 rating points (+47%) to 4.4 from 3.0. CBS's other series adding more than four million viewers with L+7 playback were Elementary (+4.55m) and Person of Interest (+4.16m).Videos