CBS SUNDAY MORNING WITH Charles Osgood offers up a delectable view of the world with its annual food issue, "Eat, Drink and Be Merry," set to be broadcast Nov. 18 on the CBS Television Network (9:00 AM, ET).
From gut-busting giant steaks to gourmet pet food, the CBS SUNDAY MORNING team has put together a varied menu of food-related segments that should appeal to many tastes.Correspondent Lee Cowan sets the table with a look at how America has become a food nation, where average folks are well-versed in foodie speak, television cooking shows have become big hits and TV chefs take on rock star-like fame.Actor John Goodman takes Michelle Miller on a trip to New Orleans to experience the gastronomic options of the city and sharing thoughts of his adopted hometown. Rebecca Jarvis investigates the history of gin. Meanwhile, Faith Salie weighs in on the geometry of pasta.Videos