As the industry's authoritative voice of content, National Association of Television Program Executives (NATPE) presentsSTREAMING PLUS, the preeminent exchange where streamers will shape and define the future of video content programming & distribution at the W Hollywood on July 30th. This must-attend, one day event navigates the market-wide disruption by delivering thought leaders from major and emerging platforms who will provide the competitive advantages necessary to grow and succeed.
Delivering insightful keynote sessions during the one-day confab will be Julie McNamara, EVP Original Content, CBS All Access; Heather Moosnick, SVP of Content Partnerships, Hulu; Amy Reinhard, VP of Content Acquisitions, Netflix; Ben Relles, Head of Innovation, Youtube Originals; and Sharon Rechter, Co-Founder and President, First Media.
NATPE Streaming Plus includes top decision-makers from the most popular global streaming destinations has been strategically crafted to propel insights as D-to-C engagement builds momentum, creating audience + monetization models that are re-engineering the architecture of our industry.
NATPE's President and CEO JP Bommel, comments, "We are thrilled to welcome four of the leading global streaming players to our newly created event. Their individual corporate viewpoints and their combined knowledge of the streaming space will give every delegate in THE ROOM a head start and will be of huge value to businesses both large and small as they navigate this dynamic new age for programming."
He adds, "NATPE's mission is to be the indispensable resource in the evolution of content as the conduit to connectivity, business insights and opportunity and with the launch of NATPE Streaming Plus we solidify this objective."
Other event highlights include the participation of French television network, TV 5 Monde, which will sponsor a panel dedicated to MVPDs and the future of content delivery. NATPE STREAMING PLUS will also present a bespoke data presentation as well as many opportunities for networking.
For more information and tickets visit for more information on this prestigious event.