Far Beyond Film is delighted to announce that "Cinema At The Edge" film festival in Santa Monica, California, will host the World Premiere of CATCHING SIGHT OF THELMA & LOUISE on April 30, 2017. CATE offers the perfect launching pad for a film about "Thelma & Louise" propelling it Over the Edge and Out into the World.
"Catching Sight of Thelma & Louise" is a feature documentary about how women experience the world. It illuminates the classic journey of its namesake through film clips and intimate stories by filmgoers who saw "Thelma & Louise" in 1991. They guide us through the film, sharing their heartfelt responses, connecting past to present. They pose the question: Has anything changed?
Jennifer Townsend, a Seattle filmmaker, traveled around the country to make the film over a three-year period. Preview audiences praise it's authenticity, power, and ability to capture the zeitgeist of our era. The trailer, history, shared stories, and blog entries may be found on the film website at www.CatchingSightOf.com
CATE is held at the beautiful Edgemar Center for the Arts, a Frank Gehry designed complex. The festival runs from Thursday, April 27th through Sunday, April 30th, followed by an Awards Ceremony and Closing Reception from 6:30pm to 8:00pm on Sunday evening.
About Far Beyond Film Far Beyond Film, LLC is a Seattle-based company focused on producing films with a relevant social message. Producer/Director, Jennifer Townsend, founded the company in 2014 with her first production goal clearly in mind: making a feature documentary about 'Thelma & Louise.'
For more information, please visit https://catchingsightof.com
SOURCE Far Beyond Film, LLC