The Whistle, NBC Sports Network's weekly series centered on kids and sports, focuses on leadership, fun and fitness in tomorrow's episode. Tom Brady, Victor Cruz, Chris Snee and Clay Matthews are featured in Friday's show, airing at 4 p.m. ET. Highlights of the episode include:
Moments that Matter: Super Bowl xxVI & xxVIII MVP and Patriots quarterback Tom Brady looks back on his draft day and how it has influenced his leadership style;Locker Room Confidential: New York Giants wide receiver Victor Cruz tells us who he thinks is the best-dressed Giant, and Giants guard Chris Snee dishes the dirt on who is the loudest in the locker room;
Training Zone: Green Bay linebacker Clay Matthews gives tips on eating well, and Packers running back Cedric Benson advises on stretching;
Sounds of Practice: A behind-the-scenes look at coaches at practice in between games;Videos