"In Bloom," the directorial debut of Nana Ekvtimishvili and Simon Gross, is inspired by Nana's personal memories of her youth in the troubled early 1990s in Georgia.
The film follows inseparable friends Eka and Natia, both fourteen years old and at the end of their childhood in the early nineties Tbilisi, the capital of the newly independent Georgia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The country is violence - there is war on the Black Sea coast in Abkhazia, and vigilante justice that plagues society. But for Eka and Natia, life just unfolds: in the street, at school, with friends or elder sisters who are already dealing with male dominance, early marriage and disillusioned love. For these two girls in bloom, life just goes on...
Ekytimishvili's semi-autobiographical coming-of-ager is one of the most impressive debut films in recent years, exhibiting an impeccable flair for subtle flair for subtle narrative - including the most imaginative use of a gun in recent memory - while Oleg Mutu's cinematography, including countless intricate plans sequences, further builds on the reputation he established on films such as THE DEATH OF MR. LAZARESCU and Cannes Palme d'Or Winner 4 MONTHS, 3 WEEKS AND 2 DAYS. "In Bloom" is being released on DVD November 18, 2014 from Big World Pictures.Your coverage is most welcome.
For more information, visit www.BigWorldPictures.org.