Vermont-based ice cream MAKERS Ben & Jerrys CELEBRATED today's U.S. Supreme Court's historic decision to legalize gay marriage nationwide by temporarily changing the name of its classic flavor, "Chocolate-Chip Cookie Dough" to "I dough, I dough".
The new flavor will be available throughout the summer at participating Ben & Jerry's shops or online through the Human Rights Campaign's website, where proceeds benefit the equal-rights group.The company turned to Twitter today to announce the news of the name change, first posting: "We celebrate today's #MarriageEquality victory! Thank you for your support & work", followed by a photo of the new carton (above) along with the caption "We've honorarily renamed Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough to "I Dough, I Dough" in our Scoop Shops."
In 1989, the ice-cream company became one of the first employers in the state to offer health insurance to same-sex domestic partners. When gay marriage became legal in the state of Vermont back in 2009, it renamed its "Chubby Hubby" flavor "Hubby Hubby" to mark the occasion.
Image: Twitter