It can't be over already, can it? Say it ain't so. With the performance of the coveted musical, Electro/City, the end of the First Day of Camp is upon us. But will Camp Firewood be able to take on Camp Tiger Claw, the military and President Reagan before the day is done?
Episode 7 - Staff Party
Neil's girlfriend, Shari, arrives to Camp Firewood. Despite Neil being nervous, his friends all seem to be on their best behavior until Shari falls victim to a long camp tradition and they wind up calling her a pig at the Staff party. She takes off running out of the cabin. Victor fairs a little better when choreographer, Rhonda hits on him. But when it comes down to it, he just can't close the deal and remains a virgin.
Coop shows up to the party in his most ridiculous outfit to date. He still tries his best to be a good sport, but when Yaron formally proposes a threesome, he breaks it off with Donna and leaves.
The campers decide to play Seven Minutes in Heaven. Amy picks Kevin's name, but is forced to pick again since Kevin has been designated the official timekeeper. She picks Drew instead. Kevin declares his love, but Amy tells him she doesn't like him that way.
Lindsay begs her boss not to make her do the story as she has now become friends with all the counselors. She reluctantly calls in her story, Breakfast Club style . Nurse Nancy gets a tip from a friend about the article and takes it to the staff party. They all confront Lindsay and turn on her. Eric overhears them and turns on her as well then trashes his cabin.
McKinley asks Ben to be his date to the party who happily agrees. Andy is cold to Katie after thinking she was just acting in their final kiss in the musical. She manages to convince him he was mistaken and they make out. Blake and the others from Camp Tiger Claw begin their storm on Camp Firewood for an all out brawl.
Episode 8 - Day is Done
Beth and Steve race back to camp still traumatized from the assassinations of Jim and Greg.
Ron briefs Reagan on the assassinations. Reagan gives the order to destroy Camp Firewood.
Neil catches up with Shari and apologizes.They wind up having sex. The descent of Camp Tiger Claw brings the entire staff of Camp Firewood together to prep for the brawl. Andy turns out to be the son of Blake's pool boy. Coop tries to remind Blake of the intercamp truce of 1977 Accord. Blake throws a punch at Andy and the brawl begins. As the brawl gets bloodier, Eric, appears up on the roof and begins to play for the first time in years. His new song, Higher and Higher, the WHAS theme stops the brawl as everyone begins to sing. The music makes them realize that they are all the same and they all apologize and enjoy the music.
"He saved friendship with a song!"
The military arrives. Gene takes out four men with his intense skill and has a wild fight with The Falcon. The Falcon eventually knocks him out and steals the Can of Vegetables. Gene informs a panicked Beth that he switched the cans and he still has Mitch. He also had a man on the inside; The Falcon. They're old friends even though he killed a bunch of Beth's friends.
The military interrupt the concert. Eric tries to play another song, but the military shoot him and run over him when he falls off the roof. Lindsay stops the military with her press credentials as she threatens to expose them to the media. Reagan shows up and assigns Ron to stay behind and clean up the toxic waste. Gail introduces herself to Ron. J.J. and the gang accept Lindsay back into the camp.
The next morning, Mitch aka the Can of Vegetables, makes Beth Camp Director and tells her to move on. She sees Henry moving into his summer rental and waves to him. Drew invites Kevin to play Yahtzee with him telling him nothing happened with Amy. Yaron and Donna tell Coop they are leaving camp and say their goodbyes. Victor tells Neil that he had sex with Rhonda, but Neil tells Victor that he is still a virgin. Ron and Gail are engaged, Abby meets Victor and lastly, Eric is seen hitchhiking along the road. He's alive!!!
Epic Paul Rudd Moments:
Andy's rant comparing Katie to Hot and Sour Soup
Andy leading the staff in a sing along
Andy breaking out nunchucks
Andy's reaction to Eric's "death"
Andy's reaction to Reagan
Andy telling Katie she's egregious.
Andy... just Andy. Everything Andy. Always.#andyforever
Finally, the moment that can't be missed is the entire Episode eight; the entire series, really. Some high points were Gene vs. the Falcon, Shari and Neil's first time, The Rumble which was resolved by a song, there are too many to name. As with most, I was a tad skeptical when I first heard of this prequel series. The movie is beloved, it was filmed in my hometown for God's sake, how can they possibly make it better? And yet they did. Completely committing to the absurdity and providing origin stories for the most mundane of bits, Wain and Showalter really did outdo themselves. It is obvious with the return of the (now) Big Name Original cast as well as a laundry list of new faces, that it is beloved by many. I can only hope this isn't the last we have seen of Camp Firewood, because somehow in the midst of the insanity, these characters became sympathetic and lovable. Here's hoping we shall see each other again on the Second Day of Camp.
All episodes are currently streaming on Netflix
Photo Credits - Netflix
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