"Perigee" is the closest point to the earth and it is in this stage that the moon appears larger. "Syzygy" is a conjunction or opposition, especially of the moon with the sun. So finally we understand... what Rona Lisa Peretti's winning word from the Third Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee meant. Used in a sentence? The Dread Doctors are really big on Perigee Syzygy.
Lydia confronts Parrish and reveals to him that he is the one taking all the bodies. In order to prevent himself from doing it again, he locks himself in a cell. The Sheriff is taking a new tact on his investigation, using ultra violet light to find mercury residue. Upon finding some in the library, he pieces together that Stiles killed Donovan. (Stupid hashtag alert #sheriffknows) When he asks Theo, Theo tells him it was an accident. Which is funny, because he previously made up a whole big lie about Stiles losing his mind and killing Donovan in unprecedented anger to Scott. Now, Scott doesn't know what to think. One thing's for sure, anyone still thinking Theo may be a good guy, I think you have your answer. Now Theo has Scott AND the Sheriff's trust. Slick move, bad guy, slick move.
Hayden and Liam quickly went from the "I think you're annoying" stage to the "I'm madly in love with you and will stop at nothing to protect you" stage. When Corey's flooded with mercury at school after showing off at the gym for Mason, Liam and Hayden flee to Sinema to pick up her money. At the hospital, Corey tries to escape, but the Doctors inject him with mercury and he is finished. Similarly, at school, rando girl, Beth, is seen biting off one of her Chimera nails. When Malia chases her down to help her, the Doctors appear, inject her with mercury and finish her as well. Scott and Theo fly to Sinema to try and save Hayden. They fight the Doctors to no avail as Theo quietly begs for more time. They inject Hayden with Mercury, but she doesn't die. (Stupid Hashtag Alert #laydenlives) She is quite sick though and Liam is desperately trying to keep her awake. Scott sends them all to the animal clinic. Liam's suggestion? Give her the bite, go full wolf. Scott's answer? No. Really? You're gonna play Liam like that? He finally got a girl to like him!
And sadly, our favorite bromance is in danger, kids. Theo has put doubt in Scott's head that Stiles is a cold-blooded killer. And sadly? With his confidence shaken as his pack is falling around him, Scott believes Theo and accuses Stiles of murder. Stils, not knowing the story Theo, is very defensive. As he should be, as even though he was expecting some trouble from Scott, never thought he would turn his back on him completely and not believe him. None of us did.
Couple Things:
I feel as though Mason should stop hanging out with people in general. Every time he does, that person dies soon after meeting him.
Where has Blake been? I thought Mason was going to see a little action this season?
No sign of Deaton or the Desert Fox. And that's, well, okay.
Malia always manages to look like she stepped out of a magazine, even when murders are happening in front of her face. Get it, girl.
Scott's concern about everybody not talking to each other is valid. As I feel like a long conversation between every character would literally solve all these issues. Communication is key, kids.
Why is Mama Lydia all anti-supernatural? Does she honestly think concentrating on school more is going to make Beacon Hills werewolf problem go away?
With Parrish locked up, is there a chance that someone can actually examine one of these dead bodies?
What is Theo's obsession with keeping Hayden alive? He's clearly being a better wingman than Scott.
Scott doesn't believe Stiles. Will the Sheriff? Will all his bestie and his Dad not trusting him, will he actually be driven to the rage of which he is being accused?
Only one more episode this year. Are we going to have to wait around for months to find out who survives? I have a feeling one of our crew isn't going to make it through next week. Who will it be? Hayden? Theo? Parrish?
Here's a preview for next week's mid-season finale:
Photo Credit: MTV
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