"In a small New England town, teenagers are taken in the night and buried alive. Days later, they emerge transformed, wreaking havoc and spreading terror, commanded by an ancient order of parascientists known only as the Dread Doctors," or so the back jacket of the book, "The Dread Doctors," tells us.
When we last left Stiles, our good buddy was in the clutches of his Dad's numero uno nemesis, Donovan. Luckily, Stiles is quite skilled at getting out of deadly situations and manages to elude Donovan into the library. In said library, Donovan informs Stiles that he hates the Sheriff because he was his own father's partner. And now, Donovan's father is confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life because Sheriff Stalinsky didn't save him. Stiles mangages to fight Donovan off, eventually killing him. He is visibly traumatized, but is also confused when he goes back and Donovan's body is gone and the library sparking clean.
Around the same time, Scott figures out that someone is taking the bodies of the dead teenagers for some unknown reason. We, the audience know that is Parrish... also for some unknown reason, is taking the bodies to that big old supernatural hub. Scott is a little freaked out by Kira who is speaking Japanese in her sleep and experiencing some real killer tendencies as of late, whereas Kira is just all pissy because Scott doesn't seem to remember telling her he loved her.
Kira makes photo copies of the book, "The Dread Doctors" that Malia found in Tracy's room and makes everyone read it. They discover that the author is a dead end, but the book is dedicated to none other than our favorite mental patient with a hole in his head, Valack. Stiles, Lydia, Scott and Kira decide to go visit Valack at Eichen House, but only Stiles and Lydia are able to get past the mountain ash barrier to speak with him. Valack is actually the author of the book as he knows of the Dread Doctors and wants to trigger other people's memories who have dealt with them. It does trigger Lydia to remember that they did something to her during her surgery. Kira, being a Kitsune, accidentally aggravates the asylum's electro-magnetic security system, thereby letting the Dread Doctors in the building. After accusing the teens of summoning the DD back to Beacon Hills after messing with the Nemeton, Valack begs Lydia to record her banshee scream, before Stiles whisks her away to hide. The DD arrive and suck out Valack's third eye, an image I don't ever need to see again. Valack uses Lydia's recorded scream to break the glass of his cell.
Okay, couple things:
I'm not ignoring the Theo/Malia inappropriate flirting, it was just not the main focus. And I hate to say it, but I didn't mind it. Mostly because I still ship Stydia. Also, she had a pretty important memory come out about the Desert Fox. I wonder if she'll share that with her actual boyfriend or if this will be a bonding factor for she and Theo?
Speaking of Stydia, Scott's little recap of Stiles love for Lydia was pretty dead on. Stiles WAS the only one who ever saw the real Lydia. And she totally noticed when he winced in pain, because they notice everything about each other. #stydiaforever
Scott smelled blood in the library. Why wouldn't Stiles tell Scott what happened? I highly doubt his bestie would pass judgment on him for killing Donovan. I mean, that guy was kind of a D-bag.
We also found out a little bit more about the Dread Doctors (or DD, as I like to call them). They used to be human but blurred the lines between science and the supernatural, just as Deaton had suspected.
So Theo's a total bad guy, but is he possessed by the DD or is he one of them? I don't want to start liking him only to be burned, yet again.
Scott admitted he did remember telling Kira that he loved her and he meant it. I think since he had just been jolted with all her electric anger that the least she could have done was said it back. No?
No Liam? I find it odd that Liam, nor Mason were any part of this venture.
Here's a preview for next week's all new episode:
Photo Credit: MTV
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