Tonight's AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.was jammed pack with all kinds of action. Not only do we have the long waited reunion of a beloved duo, we get introduced to a beloved Marvel Universe character that is joining the team this year, and it is quite possible, we have been introduced to the season's Big Bad character.
From last episode, we know that HYDRA is looking to get their hands on the mysterious obelisk and putting recurring character Raina, between HYDRA and Skye's mysterious father. One of Raina's biggest assets is getting people, (mostly men), to follow her lead, but she strikes out twice this time. She tries to get Skye's father, (Okay, enough of this, a writer can only do so much without having a name for a character. Can we please get the guy a name after seeing him in at least three episodes? Thank you!), to give her back the artifact, but he seems to be busy with some sort of "procedure," and not really in the helping mood since Raina has not brought his daughter to him yet.On her way to HYDRA to plead for leniency from Dr. Daniel Whitehall, who threatened her in the first place if she did not return the obelisk to him, she spies Simmons creating a message to Coulson on the plans she learned HYDRA is up to. Thinking this will give her leverage, she calls a meeting with Coulson and threatens to expose Simmons via a mass email to all HYDRA agents, if he does not let her bring Skye to "He Who Must Be Named", so he will possibly give her the artifact. As Skye listens, Coulson, in his most smooth and suave manner to date, lets the timer run out, both destroying Raina's best laid plan, and sacrificing Agent Simmons in one cold glare.
Or does he? To set her plan in motion, Raina has sent the drop device Simmons uses to contact Coulson, to HYDRA and an investigation has already begun into finding the SHIELD spy. Simmons has had two run-ins with the female, HYDRA, head of security, and seems to have been able to plant another drop device in her co-workers desk, saving herself possibly further scrutiny. As she walks back to her desk, all eyes are on Simmons, where she soon sees her picture that is now on everyone's monitor from the mass email from Raina. She busts out running as security enters the lab facility, only to soon see the head of security and two HYDRA security men directly in front of her escape route.
BAM! $#@&! KRACK! (I have always wanted to write that in a superhero recap), the head of security whips out two Battle Staves and kicks some HYDRA security butt! Don't let the brown hair fool you, it's Mockingbird, SHIELD's very own Bobbi Morse, who has also been undercover in HYDRA. (Now I even knew she was coming aboard the show sometime this season and this God Smacked me!) As Mockingbird helps Simmons get to the roof, and then grabs her and run's off the ledge, we see our SHIELD ship shimmer out of the cloaking device underneath the ladies, just in time.
Back with Coulson and a taken off guard Raina, SHIELD Agent Hunter injects Raina with a tracking device and they send her off, so they can follow her to HYDRA and "He Who Must Be Named." As they re-group, Skye is missing and of course, off on her own to find her father. She finds the lab he was in earlier, empty, except for a picture of him and a baby. Soon Coulson has followed her there and they hug it out after Skye's, "one hell of a day," she is having. As the camera pans up, we see "He Who Must Be Named," spying through a hidden camera, and looking none too happy about this fatherly embrace that Coulson is giving Skye. They are interrupted by Agent May calling them into the other room, where the three men shown earlier with Skye's father and Raina, are brutally murdered, and we see Skye horrified as she sees the monster she believes her father is, sending him driving madly away sorrow or anger.
Soon everyone is returning to, "the bus," and I am so happy to see the long anticipated reunion of Fitz and Simmons. Although she has been there literally in spirit for Fitz, I am hoping we can soon see a sped up recovery for our favorite Fitz, and get the Wonder Twin Geeks, (oops, am I going to get fired for mentioning a DC character on a Marvel show, ha), up and running at full speed again. As an added surprise, as our happy little reunion continues, we find that Mockingbird, Bobbi, is actually Agent Hunter's ex-wife that he has been going on about, and in not the most flattering of terms, the entire season. (Yes fellow comic geeks, I do remember that Mockingbird was married to Hawkeye in the comics, surprise.)
As the episode wrap-up teaser plays out, we find "He Who Must Be Named," has burst into HYDRA headquarters, and Dr. Whitehall's office, and after wiping out some of the Dr.'s security, presents the Obelisk to Whitehall. He makes an ominous promise to Dr. Whitehall, saying he will not only show him how to use the, "Diviner," (what our artifact is now known to be), but how to use it to eliminate Agent Coulson and the rest of SHIELD. Oh My!
Not to be outdone, Coulson finally shows Skye his drawings, and after admitting he has no idea what he is drawing, she takes all of about five seconds and figures it out, "It's a map!"
We always love comments about the shows and our recaps, so please let us know at @BWWTVWorld on Twitter, or to my personal Twitter account, @LeftofStr8. If you want to read more of my reviews, I recap MADAM SECRETARY and RED BAND SOCIETY right here on BWW TV World.
Check out a sneak peek at next week's episode below:
Photo Credit: ABC