Last week's ASH VS EVIL DEAD gave us the return of our beloved chainsaw-handed hero, the risk of impending doom, and a few new faces to follow through their fight against the evils of the Necronomicon. Things got really bloody really quickly, establishing the foundation for a series that isn't afraid to take risks, and is confident in who their core audience is.
**SPOILERS AHEAD** Ash showed Kelly and Pablo what lengths one might have to go to in order to take out a Deadite. Kelly, impressed and a little weirded out by Ash's killing prowess, wanted to get to her dad's place STAT in order to save him from a wife that may or may not have come back from the dead. Ash seemed pretty confident that Kelly's mom was one of the undead, but saving her dad wasn't his top priority. He was more concerned with getting to Books from the Beyond to have the Necronomicon translated to he could save everyone. Ash was thinking about the big picture. He went to prep his car for the ride out. Kelly was thinking about her family. She stole Pablo's motorcycle and headed for her dad's. Pablo was thinking about Kelly. He lied and told Ash that she'd taken the Necronomicon so Ash would be forced to help.
Suzy stabbed poor Dad (Phil Peleton) through the eye with a fork - yikes! - and assaulted everyone else. Kelly retreated to her bedroom. She just wanted to have her mom back. This had to be adding to her already deep set mommy-issues. She was having some sort of justified panic attack when her mom showed up looking normal. She lured Kelly in; told her that she blacked out and didn't remember killing her father. Who among us hasn't been there? Kelly wanted so badly to help her. She pled with Ash when he burst in, but he'd been fooled before ("I'm fine NOW.")
Suzy embraced Kelly, told her she had actually killed herself because she was such a terrible daughter, and then tried to kill everyone again. Ash's chainsaw hand got caught in the wall, but he got it free just in time to take Suzy's head off and bathe Kelly and Pablo in her blood. No big deal. Now completely orphaned and probably both mentally and emotionally destroyed, Kelly agreed to help Pablo and Ash on their quest to find a spell to end the curse. Ash said she reminded him a lot of himself since she was hot and damaged. These are the types of things you want to hear while you're standing above the fresh graves of your parents. While all of this madness was going on, Special Agent Amanda (Jill Marie Jones) was conducting her own unauthorized investigation which lead her to Ash's now empty trailer spot. She caught a glimpse of some dead body parts and a discarded business card for Books from Beyond. The episode ends with her walking up to the book store. Do you think Amanda will meet up with Ash and Company next week? What new dangers lurk in their future? Let us know in the comments below. Photo Credit: Starz EntertainmentVideos