BBC Click, the popular tech programme for BBC World News, will celebrate its 750th edition this week with the launch of a new series of short films designed for transmission via social media. The one to two minute pieces will be distributed weekly to Click's 2.35million twitter followers via @bbcclick and will be available on the programme's brand new You Tube channel which will also go live this week.
The stand-alone films, which will be presented by Spencer Kelly and the Click team, fall into three categories:
• Click Starter - will cover the latest ideas and prototypes in development
• Click Bytes - latest thoughts from key players in the industry
• Click Bait - a curtain-raiser to that weekend's show
Introducing the new content, BBC Click's editor Simon Hancock said:
"With more than 2.5million followers on twitter and facebook we know Click viewers are just as happy exploring tech with us on social media as they are tuning in via BBC World News TV. Click is a weekly programme and we are celebrating our 750th edition this week, but everyone knows how quickly developments in the tech world can move. With these new shorts people will be able to get their latest tech updates in bite-sized pieces, wherever they are.
"The development of the You Tube channel means we now have a full suite of online media options for our audience, so we can share our content far and wide and people can get involved with the programme. Plus it means when we are off air we can still share the latest tech news and keep everyone to up to date whether on line at, via You Tube, on twitter with @bbcclick, on google+ or on Facebook."
BBC Click provides a comprehensive guide to innovation and tech, covering all the latest advances, gadgets, apps and tech industry news. It is broadcast weekly around the globe on BBC World News TV on Saturdays at 0630 and 1930 GMT and again on Sundays at 0330 and 1330 GMT.
Viewers can also follow the programme via BBC Click - Google+ or @BBC Click (BBCClick) on Twitter and subscribe to the BBC Click You Tube Channel at or visit the Facebook page BBC Click | Facebook
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