BBC announced the cancellation of its original series BEING HUMAN on Thursday. BBC Three's Zai Bennet revealed the news in a statement commenting, "Being Human has been a fantastic and faithful friend to BBC Three. It's featured some truly exceptional actors and storylines through the years and I'd like to thank Toby [Whithouse, the creator and writer] and the production team for their vision and passion. However, all good things come to an end and at BBC Three we're committed to breaking new shows and new talent and who better to pass that baton on than Toby."
Whithouse offered his own explanation for the cancellation in a message on his Being Human blog, "We must remember too that the remit of BBC Three is to encourage and support new talent, to give them opportunities to make television, to test out new ideas and formats," Whithouse wrote. "In that sense Being Human is perhaps a victim of its own success. We can't really call ourselves a new show anymore, and much as I'd like to think of myself as a young thrusting new talent and not a bitter old
War Horse, the reality is we have a duty to move aside and make space for the next Being Human."
He continued, "But much like the cast change from seasons 3 to 4, we viewed the news as an opportunity. It meant I could actually write a climax for the show, instead of it just popping out to the shops at the end of season 5 and never coming back,. Consequently we've created what I hope you'll agree is an epic, thrilling and shocking finale that'll keep the fans guessing and speculating for years to come."
Being Human, currently in its fifth season, follows the lives of a vampire, werewolf and ghost. An American adaptation of the series, starring Sam Witwer, Meaghan Rath and
Sam Huntington, airs on the
Syfy Network.
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