In honor of the actual day Marty McFly arrives in the future, Esquire Network aired all three of the iconic "Back to the Future" films throughout the day and night on Wednesday, October 21. The stunt shattered ratings records across the board for Esquire Network as fans relived all the groundbreaking comedy and action from one of the most inventive, entertaining motion picture triumphs in Hollywood history.
Esquire Network set new records with its biggest night in primetime since launch, skyrocketing past all previous benchmarks with 591K Total Viewers, 334k Adults 18-49 and 172K Men 18-49. The network ranked #9 among all cable networks with Adults 18-49 for the night.
Esquire also scored its biggest total day in network history with 248k Total Viewers, 144k Adults 18-49 and 75K Men 18-49, and delivered its most-watched telecast in the network's two year history with the first installment of the "Back to the Future" trilogy at 7:30pm, which averaged 590k Total Viewers, 332k Adults 18-49 and 172k Men 18-49.
Esquire is one of the fastest growing networks in cable. Year to date, the network is up +18% among Adults 18-49 and +19% among P2+ in primetime versus 2014, and up +19% among Adults 18-49 and +33% among P2+ in total day.