The popular South Asian series that has amassed millions in viewership, include: "Nayab," a romantic triangle between two sisters and a famous landlord. Both families have been rivals for many years, and continue their rivalry over a property. This interesting tale of love and jealousy will take the story to a different level. "Akeli Reh Gai Main" is the story of Taimina, a young positive girl. Her life takes on a completely unexpected path, where many troubled stories unfold, seizing to capture her zest for life. This show defines her life's journey and her triumphs for survival. It's an inspiring story of an innocent girl and her learning experiences during her life. "Weham," a Horror/thriller related television show. Each episode has a different story. A series that focuses on supernatural powers and is derived from real life incidents.
B4U Plus is available on Nilesat Platform. The channel showcases TV series, a mix of classic and new movie releases, in addition to cutting-edge music based, lifestyle and Bollywood insider shows, with a unique variety of content to keep its viewer's entertained.Videos