Crackle, the multi-platform entertainment network, announced today that the critically acclaimed crime drama, THE SHIELD, will be available among Crackle's extensive content library beginning Monday, April 1st, 2013. The Emmy and Golden Globe-winning series that concluded in 2008 will be released in its entirety with seasons rolling out and available through March 2014. Crackle is the first multi-platform network to present the entire series at no cost to viewers.
Michael Chiklis as Detective Vic Mackey, THE SHIELD tells the story of an inner-city Los Angeles police precinct where some of the
Cops aren't above breaking the rules or working against their associates to both keep the streets safe and their self-interests intact.
Released quarterly, the complete seven seasons of THE SHIELD will be available on Crackle starting with seasons one and two in April 2013. The remaining seasons will be available in
The Following timeframes:
· April-June '13: Seasons 1, 2
· July-Sept '13: Seasons 3, 4
· Oct-Dec '13: Seasons 5, 6, 7*
· Jan-Mar '14: Seasons 7, 1
*Season 7 availability to be confirmed
THE SHIELD joins Crackle's library of full-length TV episodes with popular series including RESCUE ME and SEINFELD; their acclaimed portfolio of original content including the thriller CHOSEN, starring and executive produced by Milo Ventimiglia and the long-form anthology series THE UNKNOWN, starring Dominic Monaghan; and Crackle's popular on-demand Watchlists and movie selections including SNATCH, 30 DAYS OF NIGHT, KUNG FU HUSTLE, among many more.
Crackle remains the only service offering hundreds of Hollywood movies and TV series full-length, unedited, on demand and 100% free across multiple platforms and services. The Crackle App is free to download and use, offering unlimited viewing of all movies, TV series and Crackle original programming available on A full list of Crackle's extended app availability can be found on
Crackle, Inc.
Crackle, Inc. is a multi-platform next-generation video entertainment network that distributes digital content including original series and full-length traditional programming from Sony Pictures' vast library of television series and feature films in addition to the libraries of other studios. Crackle is one of the fastest growing entertainment destinations on the Internet, mobile and over-the-top devices, offering audiences high-quality programming in a variety of genres, including comedy, action, sci-fi, horror and music. Crackle reaches an impressive audience through its diverse online and mobile distribution network. Visit Crackle's site at or find Crackle on Facebook at
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