The award-winning documentary feature film A Billion Lives is kicking off its worldwide theatrical release on October 26, 2016, following the Los Angeles premiere at the Arclight Cinerama Dome Theater in Hollywood, California. The film is being released domestically in New York, Los Angeles, and select theaters throughout the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, and the United Kingdom.
Igniting controversy about the continual collusion between multinational corporations and corrupt governments, A Billion Lives shows how big business entities from around the world are conspiring to destroy an entire industry, even if it means a billion people will die this century as a result.
Over 40 million people worldwide are using vapor technology, with many employing it as a means to successfully quit smoking. But, as the film argues, with BILLIONS in profits and taxes at stake, corporate conglomerates and the governments they lobby have created a multi-pronged campaign to poison the global population's attitude against the use of this innovative technology. As this cabal works behind the scenes to crush the potentially life-saving emergence of a smoke-free, prescription-free alternative, they are in essence sentencing a billion people to die needlessly from cigarettes in this century by withholding a low cost, successful substitute.
The film's Director and Executive Producer Aaron Biebert traveled across four continents to discover why a device that can save so many lives is maligned and discredited in so many countries. Throughout this journey, Biebert discovers the hidden facts behind the vapor technology industry, and exposes the governmental forces intent on destroying it.
As part of his investigation, Biebert captures compelling interviews with leading scientists, doctors, technologists, and policy MAKERS from major international health organizations. Each in turn gives reasoned answers to the very serious question: "Are a billion lives being sacrificed needlessly for BILLIONS of dollars?"
Independently funded by the Milwaukee, Wisconsin-based production company Attention Era Media, A Billion Lives continues to rack up top honors:
A Billion Lives made its North American premiere in Milwaukee, WI (August 2016) at the Historic Pabst Theater. Earlier this year, the film premiered to rave reviews at the Doc Edge Festival in Wellington, New Zealand (May 2016), in Europe at the Palace of Culture in Warsaw (June 2016), and recently at Le Grand Rex in Paris (September 2016).
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