Variety reports that Ashton Kutcher is set to star in an upcoming indie bio-pic JOBS, which will tell the story of the late Apple co-founder, Steve Jobs. This is the second film announced which will focus on the life of the late CEO who passed away from cancer last October. Sony Pictures recently announced that they have begun work on a film based on the authorized biography by Walter Isaacson.
According to the report, Kutcher will begin filming the biopic in May after filming concludes on his CBS comedy series 'Two and a Half Men'. The film, from Five Star Institute, will focus on the earlier years of Jobs' life when he was co-founding his computer company in a garage with partners Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne.
The film will be directed by Joshua Michael Stern, (Swing Vote), and written by Matt Whiteley. According to Variety, the film will "chronicle Steve Jobs from wayward hippie to co-founder of Apple."
Kutcher's credits include The Butterfly Effect, The Guardian, Dude, Where's My Car? and the TV series That '70s Show.