Brendan has Cystic Fibrosis which has slowly been deteriorating his physical body- but not his art, integrity or humanity. The documentary has a crowd funding page at which the producers at Get Super Rad Productions hope to raise $50,000.00 in two months to help finish the film in time for Brendan to see it. The funding continues through June 13th.
Can't See Sh*t (named by the artist himself) tells the story of Brendan Patrick's journey. It gives the viewer a glimpse into the world of a cystic fibrosis SURVIVOR who is an artist, a musician and a man living without sight.
Brendan's story is about perseverance and what comes after you lose everything you thought defined you as a person. We're making this film because we know there's someone out there- in their darkest place and feeling lost. Someone out there needs to know this story. And you can help us spread the word!
View trailer here! Visit the Indiegogo crowd funding page.
Brendan Patrick is a funny and charming guy. The irony is that while a double lung transplant kept him alive, he lost his sight. And he's an artist. He continues, by using his memory and a free flowing burst of creativity. One can't help but be humbled by this 34 ear old's courage and unstoppable desire. This is an unforgettable and life affirming story.
Get Super Rad - Rob Cousineau is a filmmaker born in raised in Michigan. He met Brendan Patrick going to see live Hardcore Punk shows in his early teens. Rob remembers Brendan being short, and full of life. He had leg braces, which he noticed the first time he took them off while singing in his hardcore band to hit people in a mosh pit with.
Brendan, 34 and Rob became fast friends because they felt OUTSIDERS to most the people around them. However, they found their niche and stuck to it. Punk, metal, hardcore,.. both played in bands and spent time split between that and the art and film they loved. For Brendan that was tattooing and painting, and for Rob, it was reading, writing, and learning about film.
Though the two would lose touch here and there during their long friendship, they always picked up right where they left off upon seeing each other.
The Director of "Can't See Sh*t," Rob Cousineau remembers, "Brendan was sick- like really scaring the crap out of me sick for the first time. I had him give me my first tattoo, it was a portrait of his face on my leg, and we both thought it was hilarious, but secretly, I knew I had a memorial piece done by him if he got worse - and he did.
"I was sitting with him the first time his lung collapsed, it was the first time he lever let me see him scared. We always had a no-sympathy rule, me and all of Brendan's friends. We would make silly get well soon cards, and call him a faker when he was laid out in the hospital, make a joke of the whole thing. Brendan told me the only thing worse than being sick is having people treat you differently because of it."
Brendan needed a double lung transplant, which was a success, but unfortunately, CF took his sight.
"I remember Brendan got out of the hospital and he was blind. We took him bowling and watched him terrorize the three surrounding lanes where he attempted to hit his own pins."
"For me the making the doc is an incredible experience. It allows me to show the world my friend Brendan. I get to spend a ton of time with him and have an excuse to do incredible things with my friend. I think that filming him and being a part of the documentary gives me a strange level of separation that allows it to feel less real when he isn't doing well or he's sick. Honestly, I remember showing the partial documentary to a potential investor and having to walk away from it because I teared up watching it, but when I hang out with Brendan. It's never that heavy or real. It's very strange, and I'm sure once things go south with him it'll destroy me, but until them, I'm just making a movie and hanging out with my bud. Chris Rosik is going to DP and direct the film. He handles post production as well, as far as creative editorial, we will be doing color grade with company 3."