Mexican actress Aracely Arámbula will sing "Gracias Morena" for the first time this Thursday, December 11 at 11:35PM/10:35C on the Telemundo special "Virgen de Guadalupe," accompanied by superstar Lucero; the daughter of Pepe Aguilar, Ángela Aguilar; and singer Gerardo Ortiz.
Aracely Arámbula will present a song she wrote especially for this act of devotion telling how, as a child, she used to visit the sanctuary dedicated to the Virgin with her parents. Her family told her that the Virgin would always watch over her, she says, and today she follows the same tradition with her children, Miguel and Daniel, who are her greatest blessings. Mexican singer and actress Lucero, host of the musical competition "Yo Soy el Artista," will also sing at the Basilica of Guadalupe, as she has since she was just 11. Lucero places great importance on thanking the Virgin on her feast day; as a sign of her devotion, she will wear an elaborate charra outfit decorated with images of the Virgin and will sing two songs in her honor. For the first time ever, Ángela Aguilar will sing a solo as a tribute to Our Lady, whose feast day she has celebrated with her father, Pepe Aguilar, since the age of 7, when the two sang together at the December 12 festivities in Los Angeles, California.Videos