Funimation Films released its opening weekend results for the North American debut of its theatrical release of "Your Name." The critically acclaimed anime film from director Makoto Shinkai brought in an excess of $1.7 Million at the box office from some 303 theater screens during its opening weekend. The movie, with a per screen average of $5,281, placed 4 th among new releases and 13 th place in overall box office gross among all films in the United States.
"We are thrilled that anime and indie film fans, theatricalexhibitors and critics alike, have all embraced 'Your Name.' and helped deliver such a successful opening weekend," said Michael DuBoise, EVP and COO of Funimation."The vivid artistry and moving story telling of'Your Name.' combined with our successful track record and proven expertise in anime marketing and fan engagement on limited event-style theatrical releases, like 'Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F' and 'Shin Godzilla,' made this opening possible."
The touching story and beautifully hand-drawn animation of "Your Name." has captivated mainstream audiences both around the world and now in the U.S. and Canada as well. The film was recognized by the Los Angeles Film Critics Association as one of the top films of 2016 alongside "Moonlight," "La La Land," and "The Lobster" and received the award for Best Animated Feature of 2016.
"Makoto Shinkai and his groundbreaking film 'Your Name.' have taken anime especially anime filmmaking to new heights," said Gen Fukunaga, Founder and CEO of Funimation. "Based on the film's performance over opening weekend, we are very hopeful that North American audiences will want to discover both the subtitled and dubbed versions of this amazing film and experience each of them on the big screen."
"Your Name." continues its full-run theatrical release through the month of April. An additional 44 screens will be added in Canada as part of a special event run on April 12 and 26.
Tickets and theater location information for "Your Name." is available at the official website
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About Funimation Films Funimation Films, the theatrical division of Funimation Entertainment, acquires both anime and live action movies from prominent international filmmakers that appeal to the interests and passion of all types of fans and distributes them throughoutNorth America. The division was launched inDecember 2014following the box office success of"Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods"earlier that year. Its debut release, "Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F'," was an instant blockbuster and became the #9 highest-grossing anime movie of all time in North America.Funimation Films has gone on to release numerous movies including most recently "Shin Godzilla." Funimation Entertainment is a subsidiary of Group 1200 Media, a fully integrated, next-generation, independent entertainment studio based in Dallas. For more information on Funimation Films, visit
SOURCE Funimation Films