Space Racers, the animated preschool television series airing on public television stations across the United States, today announced the launch of an out-of-this-world mobile learning game for kids ages four and up. Launching during World Space Week, the Space Racers! App for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, will be available internationally and in three languages - English, Spanish and French. The Space Racers! App was designed and produced by public media provider THIRTEEN, the flagship public television station of the New York tri-state area, and Bluemarker, LLC, an interactive design agency, for Space Race, LLC.
A cosmic twist on traditional flying games, kids can tag-team between four Space Racers characters Eagle, Robyn, Hawk and Starling in the Space Racers! App. As players soar through space, they explore 8 engaging worlds through 32 rounds of play while collecting stars, surprise power-ups and hidden rewards, but must avoid obstacles and an empty fuel tank! Through self-directed play, children will explore the concept of cause and effect as they pilot spaceships through a progressively challenging and engaging obstacle course. In order to advance, players need to consider scientific variables like the effects of wind, the weight of the spaceship, and the magnetic pull on metal objects. The game is designed to increase perseverance, mastery, and CURIOSITY for preschoolers, as they learn and succeed through exploration.
"We are delighted to offer our fans another platform to learn along with the Space Racers television show," says Richard Schweiger Executive Producer of Space Racers. "The progressive challenges in the app complement the lessons communicated in each episode of the series and educational materials on the website."
Space Racers! is a child-safe app, available offline, with no in-app purchases, advertising or links to websites and social media sharing.
Space Racers is available for free on the App Store for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch or
For more information, activities, videos and games, as well as free Parent and Educator materials visit and join us on Facebook and Twitter. Space Racers the television series is presented by Maryland Public Television.
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SOURCE Maryland Public Television