BBC Three on Tuesday announced Andy Samberg's first post-Saturday Night Live TV project, unveiling CUCKOO, a six-part comedy series that will see him star opposite Welsh comedian Greg Davies (The Inbetweeners). Samberg will play a "slacker full of outlandish, New Age ideas," the network said.
"The best of British meets the toast of Hollywood," said executive producer Ash Atalla (The Office, The IT Crowd). "We hope Cuckoo cements the special relationship between our two great countries. I imagine [Barack] Obama and [British Prime Minister David] Cameron will be watching closely."
The show from Roughcut Television will film this summer and air later this year. It was created and written by Robin French and Kieron Quirke.
"When Ken (Greg Davies) and Lorna (Helen Baxendale) collect their daughter (Tamla Kari) from the airport, they're horrified to learn that she's returned from her gap year with more than just a henna tattoo and braids in her hair," BBC Three said in a more detailed show description. "At the arrival gate, she promptly introduces them to her new husband, Cuckoo (Andy Samberg) - the squared-jawed, self-appointed spiritual ninja who is now their son-in-law."
BBC Three is U.K. public broadcaster BBC's network that targets the 16-34 year old demographic.