As first reported on, 20th Century Fox Animation and Blue Sky Studios have announced the voice cast for the upcoming 3D CG animated film EPIC. Ice Age's Chris Wedge will direct the film while Lori Forte and Jerry Davis will produce.
Among the stars who will lend their voices to the animated feature will be Beyonce Knowles as Queen Tara, Colin Farrell as Ronin, The Hunger Games' Josh Hutcherson as Nod, Amanda Seyfried as Mary Katherine, Johnny Knoxville as Mandrake, Aziz Ansari as Mub, rapper Pitbull as Bufo, Jason Sudeikis as Bomba, and Aerosmith and American Idol frontman Steven Tyler as Nim Galuu. Blake Anderson and Judah Friedlander will also be among the cast.
The film is described as "a battle deep in the forest between the forces of good and evil. When a teenaged girl finds herself magically transported into this secret universe, she must band together with a rag-tag team of fun and whimsical characters to save that world, which in turn saves the real world."
EPIC is set to be released in theaters on May 24, 2013.