Alex Noyer is excited to announce his directorial debut, the short film Conductor, will head to Mexico for its international premiere at Morbido Fest. The critically acclaimed seven minute film follows a music engineer as she mentors a young aficionado through composing a beat for a once in a lifetime competition, with devastating consequences.
The 808 producer said he wanted to not only study the use of drum machines and beat making in a horror setting but also contemplate the price of the pursuit of fame along with the consequences of today's need for instant gratification.
Conductor will screen three times at Morbido. The first screening will be Saturday, November 3rd, at 8 pm at the Centro de Cultura Digital. The film will then screen the following night, Sunday, November 4th, at 6:15 pm at Casa del Lago. Conductor will return to the Centro de Cultura Digital for its final screening at 8 pm on Saturday November 10th.
Watch a teaser here:
Conductor (2018) - Teaser from You Know Films on Vimeo.