The British Academy of Film and Television Arts Los Angeles® (BAFTA Los Angeles), which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, has announced Alan Cumming will return as host of the 2012 Britannia Awards presented by BBC AMERICA on Wednesday, November 7, 2012 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.
This marks the fourth time Alan Cumming will host the prestigious award show. In addition, The Britannia Awards have announced that Steven Spielberg, Harrison Ford, and Josh Gad will be among those presenting awards at this year’s show. For the first time ever, the Britannia Awards will be broadcast on BBC AMERICA, airing in primetime November 11, 2012 at 8pm ET as a two-hour special, preceded by the Britannia Awards Pre-show Special at 7:30pm ET.
Photo Credit: Walter McBride / Retna Ltd.