Nominees for the 33rd Annual RAZZIE Awards, satirizing the Worst Achievements in Film for 2012, include several Repeat Offenders, returning for more pie-in-the-face/light-hearted joshing in the one Tinsel Town trophy derby no one wants to win. Adam Sandler is back, following up his record-setting 2011 RAZZIE "winner" JACK & JILL with an even more off-putting "family comedy," THAT'S MY BOY. Focused on a scofflaw dad who fathered (then abandoned) a son with his 7th grade teacher, BOY amassed a total of 8 nominations, including Worst Picture and Worst Actor for Sandler himself - while also grossing about half what JACK & JILL did.
But Sandler's misfire was topped by the final chapter in a franchise which has reliably racked up RAZZIE nominations year-after-year: TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN PART 2 (or as RAZZIE Wags call it, TWILIGHT: S.B.D. #2). The ultimate installment of the inexplicably successful series focuses on Shirtless Werewolf Jacob and his creepy relationship with the daughter of Sparkly Vampire Edward and Gloomy Goth Gal Bella. Together, the four face a final showdown that will determine the fate of Romantic-But-Boring Monsters everywhere. TWILIGHT #5 collected a total of 11 nominations, from only 10 categories.Videos