The first phase of production of the action-comedy film titled "My Good Friend Manny," starring world-boxing champion and international superstar Manny Pacquiao, has been launched by veteran filmmaker, Mark Brown and Filipino-American entrepreneur, Danny Cruz. The film is budgeted and produced to go through the studio production, marketing and distribution system in mainstream Hollywood fashion.
With Manny Pacquiao's busy fight training schedule, for the upcoming "Fight of the Century" with Floyd Mayweather this May 2nd, the production timing will work around him. Preproduction work will take place during the next several months, with camera shoots for Manny's role to take place during the hiatus between fights, his next one most likely in November. "Win or lose, the show will go on," said Mr. Cruz, when asked about Manny's chances in the fight, and whether it would affect the film production. He continued, "Manny is a great boxer, athlete, and personality who will continue to fight and act, with millions of adoring fans for years to come, and the movie will be in great demand."
Mark Brown, an executive producer of this film, has many years of Hollywood experience, ranging from acting, to writing, directing and producing. Some of his credits include the successful MGM's "Barbershop" and "Barbershop 2", BET's "Baldwin Hills", as well as "The Salon" starring Vivaca A. Fox. Mark and Danny have worked together on a number of technology and media projects throughout the world, and have come together again to work with Filipino superstar, Manny Pacquiao, in what is sure to be a Hollywood blockbuster film.
About the Film Production: The film just made its debut on Kickstarter, the largest and most successful crowdfunding site in the world.
Currently active, the film Kickstarter is at:
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