According to, the sequel to the highly successful comedy ANCHORMAN will feature choreographed musical numbers. The comedy will once again star Will Ferrell as news anchorman Ron Burgundy. Paul Rudd, Steve Carell and Christina Applegate will also star.
Adam McKay, the project's director explained to The Playlist, "There will be some music in Anchorman 2 for sure. We have some songs already written. We were going to do Anchorman 2 as a Broadway musical first, for like six months and then go shoot the movie. That was our initial idea.”
While the scenes will be fllmed live, McKay wants to take the pressure off his cast in performing the musical sequences. "We always do it live on the set," he explained. "And my thing is, if the actors get freaked out, don't sweat it, we can always re-record it later. And every time we've done it, we end up using the live track from the recording. We'll probably do it the same way in this."
The sequel to the 2004 smash hit comedy will center on "how round the clock news has impacted the San Diego-based broadcasting team." The director revealed that he intends to convey a serious message in his story, in addition to the anticipated jokes. "Even though it's going to be a big silly movie, it's all about the rise of the new media and 24 hour news cycle, and there's a lot of interesting points to make,” he added. "It's just funny that Americans have to contend with 2000 channels, and 60 different specific news sources, and the confusion that it creates, and the junk that we get to see is hilarious.”
Anchorman: The Legend Continues is expected to be released next year.Videos