Regardless of who the latest American Idol winner is, fans will not have to wait long for her album. According to USA Today, either Candice Glover or Kree Harrison's debut album will be released this summer. They will also be able to pre-order to album as soon as the finale ends on Thursday night, which is a first for the show.
Glover and Harrison recorded their debut singles which they'll sing on the finale in an attempt to win the heart's of millions. The winner's album will release at some point this summer in The Middle of the 40-show American Idols Live Tour.
As you can imagine, this album will need to be recorded lightning fast with the tour kicking off on June 29th. In the past the Idol has had to wait a few months for the release of the album, Philip Phillips' album did not release until about six months after he took the crown.
Photo Credit: Micheal Becker/Fox