"thirtysomething(else)," a sequel to the groundbreaking series "thirtysomething," has received a pilot pickup from ABC. The show will follow an ensemble of new faces playing the grown-up, 30-something children of the original cast reprised by Ken Olin (Michael Steadman), Mel Harris (Hope Murdoch), Timothy Busfield (Elliot Weston) and Patty Wettig (Nancy Weston). Apparently, raising children (even grown children) never ends, but who could have known how hard it would be for them to raise their parents?
During its original run from 1987-1991, "thirtysomething" quickly became a cultural phenomenon, garnering 13 Emmy® Awards including Best Drama and two Golden Globe® Awards. The series, which highlighted a tight-knit group of baby boomers and their struggles, celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2017.
Showrunners and "thirtysomething" creators Marshall Herskovitz and Edward Zwick return to bring "thirtysomething(else)" to life under their Bedford Falls Co. banner along with MGM Television. Edward Zwick set to direct.
"thirtysomething(else)" is produced by ABC Studios. ABC Studios is a part of Disney Television Studios, a collection of studios comprised of Twentieth Century FOX Television, ABC Studios and FOX 21 Television Studios.