On Monday, December 10, ABC News will launch "GMA LIVE," a 15-minute extension of "Good Morning America." This daily, web-only program will stream live across Goodmorningamerica.com on Yahoo! and ABCNews.com, following the "GMA" broadcast. "GMA Live" will be anchored by "GMA's" Josh Elliott, Lara Spencer, Sam Champion, Elizabeth Vargas and Amy Robach, with special guests and contributors from the ABC family joining the conversation. The anchors and contributors on the show will vary daily. The exclusive "GMA LIVE" partner is Barnes and Noble's NOOK® HD, the lightest and highest-resolution 7-inch HD tablet.
"This is a chance for our gang to put their feet up and bring everyone backstage right after we get off the air. We are going to have a great time pulling back the curtain a bit," said Tom Cibrowski, "GMA" senior executive producer."GMA LIVE" will stream live from GMA's studio in Times Square at 9:15 a.m., ET on Goodmorningamerica.com on Yahoo! and on the ABCNews.com live page, http://abcnews.go.com/Live/.Videos