The long-running Furman Film Series saw a record Summer Series with Sarah's Key, Senna, Bob and the Monster, My Afternoons With Margueritte and The Debt and now returns for the fall of 2011 on the following dates:
October 6, October 19, November 3, November 17 & December 1 (all films are Thursdays except October 19th which is a Wednesday to avoid the holiday on the 20th)
October 6 brings a preview of The Women On the 6th Floor, a number one box office French hit set in 60's France, revolving around a bourgeois Frenchman whose life is turned upside down when he befriends a group of sassy Spanish maids a few floors up. This upstairs-downstairs comedy is already being compared to The Help!
October 19th brings a preview of Margin Call, a Sundance Film Festival favorite set in the high stakes world of the financial industry (and its collapse), featuring an all-star cast including Kevin Spacey,
Paul Bettany,
Jeremy Irons,
Zachary Quinto,
Demi Moore and
Stanley Tucci.
November 3 brings Hot Coffee, the stunning Sundance Film Festival and HBO documentary by Susan Saladoff about how one infamous lawsuit allowed corporations across the United States to brew a concoction of manipulation intended to protect corporate interests and keep regular citizens out of the courts. Hot Coffee is a special presentation of a grass roots film hoping to make a difference by getting the word out.
November 17 & December 1 are traditionally held for movies from the year's Toronto Film Festival which plays September 8-18th. Programming will look to fill those dates with other high-quality releases.
Film begins at 7:30pm. Entry is 7:00pm for subscribers, 7:15 for ticket holders. Each screening has a Q&A with a notable personality after the film.
Tickets to the Gold Coast Furman Film Series are $15 ($20 at the door. $10 for students.) For more information call 516.829.2570 or go to The series is held at Clearview Cinemas Great Neck Squire Theater at 115 Middle Neck Road in the heart of Great Neck.
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