Brenda Watson of Renew Life, a company dedicated to all-natural digestive care solutions, appears on The SUZANNE Show this week to discuss digestive enzymes. Her appearance, which is the last in a four-part series detailing the nutrients needed to achieve optimal digestive health and overall wellness, airs Wednesday, October 31st, at 7:00 am (ET/PT) on Lifetime Television.
Digestive enzymes break down the food that we eat and convert it into nutrients that the body can readily use. There are many different enzymes, each having its own specific ability to help the body digest certain types of foods. Without them, our body would not be capable of getting the nutrients that it needs to stay healthy.Besides missing out on important nutrients, a lack of enzymes can also cause gas and bloating, indigestion, intestinal inflammation, and even accumulation of toxins in the digestive tract. Digestive enzymes are produced by the body and are also found in fermented and raw foods. Poor diet and rapid eating can cause incomplete breakdown of food. In addition, some people do not produce enough digestive enzymes. Watson recommends a daily supplement that contains a wide range of digestive enzymes.Videos