The veteran leading soprano of numerous top operatic stages the world over, will honor us on September the 23rd. conducting a a master-class for classical singers.from 4 to 8 PM, at the Yeoryia Megremis's Studios, OTELLO room, on the 5th floor of 2067 Broadway -THE EPIC SECURITY BUILDING-, between 71st. and 72nd. Streets, New York City.
Madame Villarroel gained vast vocal and performing wisdom through many years of active work at the top of her field, singing a very vast repertory.
In this class she will address vocal technique, style, interpretation, movement; how to manage a busy career; your responsibilities to yourself and to the craft as a singer.
Each participant will be given 20 minutes. Their chosen piece should be no longer than 6 minutes, and the rest of the time will be employed working with Ms. Villarroel.
12 participants only will be accepted in this class.
Cost: $70.00 per participant. Non-refundable.No cancellation or postponement after payment is received.
Payment by Pay Pall.
Auditors welcome, $20 cash at door.
To reserve a space in this class write to
Coming up in October: Master Class with Maestro Pablo Zinger.