Company hosts second pop-up event in partnership with Bloodworks Northwest.
Seattle Opera will host its second blood drive of the year in partnership with Bloodworks Northwest. At the company's first drive in August 2020, 196 people gave blood over a four-day period. Twenty-two percent of participants were first-time blood donors. Donations from the event may have benefitted as many as 500 patients in the Greater Seattle area.
The pop-up blood drive will once again take place at The Opera Center, adjacent to McCaw Hall. This state-of-the-art facility was envisioned as a space where innovative community partnerships can thrive, said Seattle Opera General Director Christina Scheppelmann. This is why, during the challenges of 2020, The Opera Center has served as a site for making PPE masks, a supply drive for people experiencing homelessness, and a pop-up blood donation center.
"Through our art, and our civic actions in the community, Seattle Opera aims to be responsive to the needs of our region," said Scheppelmann said. "We hope you will join us in donating at our fall blood drive; giving blood is a crucial way of caring for each other and contributing to healthcare readiness."
During the global pandemic, social distancing recommendations have put a strain on opportunities for people to donate blood. In the temporary absence of traditional blood drives and bloodmobiles, Seattle Opera, and other local businesses are providing short-term donation locations for Bloodworks Northwest.
In addition to saving lives, the first 200 donors to sign up will also receive a free ticket to the Georgetown Morgue, Museum of Horror and a "Buy One, Get One" offer for a Pecos Pit Bar-B-Que dinner. Finally, all donors will also be tested for COVID-19 antibodies (learn more on the Bloodworks Northwest website).
Donors of all blood types are needed every day to make an appointment to give blood. Blood donations support cancer patients, trauma victims, premature babies, and severely ill COVID-19 patients, among others.
"A strong blood supply is vital to critically ill and injured patients in our community," said Bloodworks Northwest President and CEO Curt Bailey. "Blood donations are down at a time when the need has never been greater. Seattle Opera is turning that around by graciously opening its doors to allow an ovation-worthy 340 community members to save lives this fall."
First-time and repeat donors are urged to make their one-hour donation appointment today as a safe and essential action to support local patients. In accordance with current social distancing guidelines, only scheduled appointments will be allowed. No walk-ins, guests, or people under age 16 are permitted on site. Donors are asked to bring a mask/face covering to their donation. All blood types are urgently needed, but Type O is especially in demand.
For more information and to sign up, go to