Process Studio Theatre presents the first theatrical adaptation of Bonfire of the Vanities, Tom Wolfe's epic satirical novel of greed-soaked, ego-fueled New York City, on October 9th and 10th at New York's El Teatro at El Museo del Barrio! With music by Stefania de Kenessey and a libretto and direction by Michael Bergmann, this witty and incisive new opera takes on the universal socioeconomic tensions of New York City with high drama and unforgettable lyrical satire.
Wall Street trader Sherman McCoy (RANDAL TURNER) invents a bond whose popularity propels him to the top of the financial world. But just as he meets the peak of his success, he collides with a scandal that brings all of New York City crashing down upon him, including a ferocious Harlem reverend (KEVIN MAYNOR), his own loyal but cosseted Park Avenue housewife (ANNE-CAROLYN BIRD), a sexually ambitious femme fatale (YINGJIE ZHOU), and an idealistic lawyer who demands better things for her city (ADRIENNE DANRICH).
Stefania de Kenessey's score, with its emphasis on melody and strong rhythms, erupts from an 18-piece orchestra and brings together elements of classic opera and popular music to create a unique blend that brings out both the truly contemporary concerns of the narrative and the deep emotions of its characters. Michael Bergmann, whose films have been described as "unafraid to be both smart and silly" (Variety), articulates the story with the ripe urban vocabularies of uptown and down, punctuating the narrative's volatility with extensive video imagery. Produced by Process Studio Theatre, BONFIRE OF THE VANITIES: THE OPERA is a masterpiece of collaboration that counts among its proponents "Bonfire" author Tom Wolfe.
BONFIRE OF THE VANITIES: THE OPERA premieres October 9th and 10th, 2015 at 7:30 pm at El Teatro at El Museo del Barrio, 1230 Fifth Avenue at 104th Street, New York, NY 10029.
Tickets are available here:
For more information and excerpts, visit the official website: