Based on Akutagawa's classic short story, this searing investigation into the nature of truth and the limits of perception melds whodunit with haunting meditation.
Pittsburgh Opera will broadcast a video recording of its world premiere production of Christopher Cerrone and Stephanie Fleischmann's In a Grove-directed by Mary Birnbaum and conducted by Antony Walker-in its entirety, for free, on YouTube Sunday, May 15th at 7:00pm.
Based on Ryūnosuke Akutagawa's classic short story, this searing investigation into the nature of truth and the limits of perception melds whodunit with haunting meditation. A fatal encounter between a man, a woman, and a thief transpires within a ghost forest in the Pacific Northwest. Seven witnesses offer clashing perspectives on the crime.
The opera premiered at Pittsburgh Opera's headquarters the Bitz Opera Factory February 19th-March 3rd.
"Countless people, both those who attended the performances and those who were unable to, have pleaded with us to release In a Grove on video", said Pittsburgh Opera General Director Christopher Hahn. "Our generous funders enabled us to record the performances, and we are delighted to make this amazing opera available to a much wider audience."
A trailer is available for viewing on Pittsburgh Opera's YouTube channel.
People can register online to receive email reminders and a link to the Premiere. The video will remain available for viewing throughout the summer.