We're New Brew. We're young, we're full of life!! We don't have no time for some stinking five-act grand opera! If we're going to do the O-thang, it had better be short and sweet. Or sour, or bitter, or downright toxic, but definitely short. Like, ten minutes or less.
Visit the event page here.
Friday, April 4th - 8pm
Barbes (376 9th St, Brooklyn)
$10 suggested donation
About Opera on Tap
Our mission as a not- for-profit 501(c)3 company, is to promote opera as a viable, living and progressive art form deserving a place on the American cultural landscape.
In 2005 we created Opera on Tap as a performance outlet for our friends and ourselves. We wanted an opera "gig" in the vein of the New York rock or jazz gig. Freddy's Bar and Backroom provided us with the opportunity. It was an affordable way to have fun together and work on our music at the same time... Guess what else happened...
Opera on Tap is a form of cultural and two-fold educational outreach.
Often big opera companies focus on outreach to children. Opera on Tap believes adults too can be enriched through gaining an appreciation for opera. A middle class twenty-something may attend Opera on Tap and find him or herself much more likely to purchase an opera ticket at a bigger more well known opera house.
Our other very important mission is to promote young professional singers and instrumentalists in their artistic development. At Opera on Tap performers are allowed to let their hair down, wear jeans, drink beer and try out new repertoire FOR AN AUDIENCE! There is no pressure for perfection. Opera on Tap gives the artists an opportunity to communicate the joy and exuberance they feel in the music by getting away from the stuffy atmosphere of the concert hall or educational institution. Providing the artist and the audience with "room to breathe" draws in new listeners who respond to the honesty and energy of the performances.
Our mission is to extend our reach to more venues and improve more and more on the quality of our performances. We look forward to the imminent development of our company into a national organization with chapters throughout The United States.